
  1. The

    Help Helper Atama Sistemi

    on *:join:#help:.timer 1 2 kontrol $nick alias kontrol { if !$nick(#help,$1,oh) { var %sayi $nick(#help,0,o), %rand $nick(#help,$rand(1,%sayi)), %nickler $regsubex($str(.,%sayi),/./g,$nick(#help,\n,o) $chr(32)) msg #helpers - msg #helpers 4 $1 1Rumuzu 4#Help...
  2. The

    Help Kanal Nick Takip Log Sistemi

    on *:start:if $isfile(takip.the) { hmake takip | hload takip takip.the } alias nickekle { if $hget(takip,$1) { echo -ea $1 zaten takip listesinde. | return } echo -ea $1 takip listesine eklendi. hadd -m takip $1 $date - $time hsave takip takip.the } alias nicksil { if...
  3. C

    Helper Uyarı Sistemi

    on ^*:Rawmode:#Help:{ if (o isin $1) { $+(.,timer,$2) off } if (h isin $1) { $+(.,timer,$2) off } } on *:join:#Help: { if ($me != $nick) && ($me isop $chan) || ($me ishop $chan) { $+(.,timer,$nick) 1 1 /helpegirdi $chan $nick } } alias helpegirdi { if $input($2...
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